How to bring yourself to the present moment

How to bring yourself to the present moment

If you’re overthinking about the past or about the what ifs of the future, bring yourself back to the present moment trying these techniques:
  • Just as if you were telling someone else, tell yourself out loud and recurrently:  “Hey _______ (say your name), I’m here!”.
  • Go back to your breathing. Put your hands in your belly, and expand it as you inhale. Contract it as you exhale. You just did diaphragmatic breathing! Repeat until you start feeling a calmer. Do this conscious breathing several times a day.
  • Cultivate positive thoughts. Watch how you talk to yourself, because Words Do Have Power. Instead of focusing on what’s lacking in your body, or in your life, focus on the positives and encourage yourself with affirmations. Words such as “I am healthy”, “I am strong”, “This too shall pass”, and “I am grateful”, when practiced daily, form new healthier pathways in your brain.
  • Play! And laugh! Talk to your friends, play with your kids, or with your furry ones! Daily 😉
  • Ground yourself. Nature is the best place for this. Walk barefoot on sand or grass, salute the sun with early morning walks, re-energize in the ocean or in the mountains, or if available, in both
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